I asked ChatGPT to tell me Slipknot’s best guitar song…

With all the furore surrounding ChatGPT these days, I thought I’d take it for a spin and ask it to tell me Slipknot’s best guitar song. While the results weren’t exactly as impressive as many ChatGPT proponents might let on, the information it did give me got me thinking. It looks like this AI program is not only here to stay, but is only in its primary phase, meaning it’ll only become more viable and more impressive over time.

And of course, ChatGPT is only a chatbot; there are AI programs that exist today which are capable of literally creating music from scratch. Is this on the horizon in some form for ChatGPT?

I’d love to hear your thoughts – let me know in the comments section below, or head to my Discord server and we can have a more in-depth discussion!

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Sightline Guitar